How to Prove a De Facto Relationship for the Court
How to Prove a De Facto Relationship for the Court
8th April 2024
If you're in a de facto relationship in Queensland, whether it's a same-sex or heterosexual partnership, it's essential to understand your legal rights and responsibilities. The Family Law Act 1975 governs de facto relationships in Australia, and the Relationships Act 2011 allows couples to officially...
How Long After A Divorce Is Finalised Can Your Ex Spouse Claim Property?
How Long After A Divorce Is Finalised Can Your Ex Spouse Claim Property?
30th March 2024
Navigating a divorce can be emotionally taxing however it’s important to be aware that you and your ex spouse can initiate discussions about property settlement as soon as divorce proceedings commence. While tensions are high, it can be challenging to come to a solution that...
What is My Wife Entitled to in a Divorce? Understanding Your Rights
What is My Wife Entitled to in a Divorce? Understanding Your Rights
20th March 2024
Divorce is an emotionally challenging journey, and understanding the legal aspects of it is crucial for both parties involved. One of the most common questions that individuals ask during this process is, "What is my wife entitled to in a divorce?" In this article, we...
Getting Married Young: What is the Legal Age of Marriage in Australia
Getting Married Young: What is the Legal Age of Marriage in Australia
4th March 2024
Marriage is a significant life milestone that many individuals contemplate, but it's essential to understand the legal framework surrounding it. In Australia, the legal age of marriage is a crucial consideration for those planning to tie the knot at a young age. In this blog...
Inter-Family Marriage: Can You Marry Your Cousin in Australia?
Inter-Family Marriage: Can You Marry Your Cousin in Australia?
24th February 2024
Inter-family marriages, particularly those involving cousins, have long been a topic of interest and debate. In Australia, the legality of marrying a cousin is a subject that warrants exploration. This blog post delves into the legal landscape surrounding inter-family marriage in Australia, with a specific...
What To Do If Your Ex Wife or Ex Husband Is Delaying Property Settlement
What To Do If Your Ex Wife or Ex Husband Is Delaying Property Settlement
13th February 2024
Divorce can be a challenging process, and one of the critical issues that need to be addressed is the division of property. Ideally, this should be resolved smoothly and efficiently, but what happens when your ex wife or ex husband is delaying the property settlement?...
Divorcing a Narcissist (Expert Insights and Practical Advice)
Divorcing a Narcissist (Expert Insights and Practical Advice)
22nd January 2024
At Pullos Lawyers, we understand that divorcing is difficult. When it comes to divorcing a narcissist, it can feel like an impossible task. It’s important to seek legal advice as soon as possible and find a family lawyer to guide you through this tumultuous time...
Is a 70/30 Divorce Settlement Common in Australia? Understanding Property Division in Queensland
Is a 70/30 Divorce Settlement Common in Australia? Understanding Property Division in Queensland
9th January 2024
You may have heard about the concept of a "70/30 divorce settlement," where one party receives a significantly larger share of the assets. While this scenario may make for sensational headlines in American reality tv shows, it's not as common in Australia as you might...
Marrying a Foreigner in Australia? Here is What You Need to Know
Marrying a Foreigner in Australia? Here is What You Need to Know
10th December 2023
If you've found love across borders and are contemplating saying “I do” to someone from a foreign country in Australia, there are many important things to consider. Aside from working out a budget for the wedding, who to invite and how to blend and celebrate...
Child Custody Schedules by Age in Australia: What is Best For Your Child
Child Custody Schedules by Age in Australia: What is Best For Your Child
24th November 2023
Child custody arrangements can be complex and emotionally challenging. In Queensland, as in the rest of Australia, family law places paramount importance on the best interests of the child as the primary consideration in custody matters. To ensure your child's well-being and development while adhering...
Can My Ex Claim Money from My New Partner in Property Settlements in Australia?
Can My Ex Claim Money from My New Partner in Property Settlements in Australia?
6th November 2023
In the realm of Queensland family law, questions often arise when relationships come to an end. One common concern that many individuals face is whether their ex-partner can claim money from their new partner, particularly in the realm of property settlements. Understanding the dynamics of...
10 Do's and Don'ts of Lending Money to Family in Queensland
10 Do's and Don'ts of Lending Money to Family in Queensland
27th October 2023
Lending money to family members can be a well-intentioned gesture, born out of love and a desire to help. However, it's a practice that comes with its own set of challenges and potential pitfalls - in fact, money disputes are often the cause of familial...